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What’s up with Angular?

I think it is time everyone gets updated with a little history of Angular. How well the framework is doing and what is has to offer.

Not only that, we can better be able to understand the miss conception and worries about the Angular framework and where that stemmed from.

We can see the stability and the maturity of the framework, to decide why it’s a good pick for your next project.

You might have heard bad things about Angular but that is without good reason, after all they did throw an entire version of developers under the bus.

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Really, we all know how difficult it can be to introduce a new technology in the organization. After having done all the research, prepared the PowerPoints, presented it to the project team and having gotten that sweet approval to implement Angular in the next project. Only to tell your tech lead, the project is now stuck in this version…forever, ouch.

I get it, I would be done with Angular too. As such, the Angular team has single handedly destroyed its own reputation of being a promising framework with Angular 1.

Then came the “opportunist”.

Welcome the rise of React and Vue.js. Where due to the fall of Angular 1, React became the biggest beneficiary of the mass exodus from Angular 1 and Vue.js who was inspired by Angular aimed to simplify it and get rid of the complexity of Angular.

Be that has it may, the Angular team revamped the entire framework with Angular 2 and on wards. Instead of retyping all the points myself I believe this article hit the nail on the head at providing exactly what I think gives a great background on the Angular 2 journey on what happened and what’s happening now.

An Angular Roadmap – The Past, Present, and Future of Angular

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